Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday X-Games, Kindergarten style

Lauren about to shoot down the hill at Ski Liberty on her first solo voyage.

Kristen takes a break from flirting with the kiddie hill attendant to pose for the cameras.

Our spur of the moment trip to Ski Liberty was a success. Hopefully we can go again before Spring.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mid-Month Status Report

Walk dogs
I've left some room for improvement in the area. So far I'm averaging 3 - 4 times/wk

Lose weight
I got a "boost" on this one due to stomach flu in the early days of the month.

Cut back on diet coke
Miserable failure. I'm starting to think I don't really want this one bad enough.

De-clutter junk room
I took my "before" picture, bought and assembled a set of shelves, unloaded three boxes and freecycled a bread box and a box full of cleaners I moved from my last place nearly 4 years ago. (Just in case you are wondering...I have other cleaners that I have bought since then)

Reusable grocery bags
I have reached my monthly goal. A Gold Star for me!

More patience
I've noticed it is a lot easier to be patient with the kids while school is in session. ha!

I took a very important step...I downloaded a few songs from iTunes for my "training workout mix". (and I signed up for the Virginia Run Sprint Triathlon on May 11th.)

Give blood
Not eligible until late February. I gave just before New Year's.

Meal plan
I did it for one week and I'm still exhausted from it. The family doesn't seems to want dinner cooked by me for seven contiguous days. I'm sure it's nothing personal.

No reunion plans yet
Stay tuned.

No clipless pedal practice yet
I think the ground will be softer for my landings when it warms up a bit. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.

And...83% closer to earning my patch!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Patrick!

Patrick Xavior enters the world...

Billy and Sarah are officially parents of a beautiful little boy. He was born yesterday morning around 8am.

Nephews = 5
Nieces = 0

I quickly dyed my hair so Patrick would not immediately see the big age difference between his parents and his aunt. Ha!! I was feeling a little crazy so I went with a lighter shade this time...Brown Sugar #63. (Still much darker than my natural hair shade but my memory of it is fading)

I'm sure it has taken years off.

Instead of old, I just have that dorky, unnatural first day after coloring it yourself look.

Happy Birthday!!!!

Also notable: I've introduced the "Astro Escape-o-meter" to the blog. Astro had his first escape of the year and subsequent first bath of the year. I gave myself a pass on the dog walking resolution since he spent 30 minutes sprinting around the neighborhood at top speed. Poor Ursa gets screwed again.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

12,928 points down, 7072 to go...

I read an article in the paper today that mentioned Buddhists are more serious about their New Year's resolutions and post them at the altar in their homes. Maybe posting these to my blog will make me more serious about them...(or more embarrassed when I break them)

  • Give blood at least 4 times in 2008
  • 3 triathlons (at least one sprint distance)
  • Learn how to use clipless pedals on the bike
  • No more diet coke after 6pm (baby steps)
  • Be more patient with the kids, world in general
  • Lose 16 lbs by May – 4lbs/month
  • Organize and freecycle away the “junk rooom”
  • Remember the reusable grocery bags at least 3 out of 4 grocery trips
  • Walk dogs at least 4 out of 7 days per week
  • Paint kitchen cabinets
  • Start/Complete bathroom update
  • One new healthy meal/recipe every two weeks
  • Make & adhere to weekly meal plan at least one week/month
  • VT gals reunion

And...earn my patch!!