Saturday, February 28, 2009

Breakfast with Vinny

I guess this was "Spot a Redskin" month for us. Today, we decided to grab a quick bite to eat mid-morning while we were running errands. A man decked in Redskin apparrel and accompanied by his two children were sitting at a table when we ordered our food. As we sat down, Bill informed me that the man was Vinny Cerrato. He then went on to explain who Vinny Cerrato was.

Sorry Vinny.

The proprietor of this breakfast establishment certainly recognized him based on the amount of time he spent fawning all over him and his children. The kids were very cute and were taking turns saying hi to their mom on the cell phone.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Cookie Connection

Lauren's first Girl Scout cookie season is in full swing. She seems to be enjoying her first sales gig. She is also carefully tracking which incentive items she has earned. So far, she's earned her cookie participation badge and a cute bandana.

Thanks to all our relatives who endured her lengthy sales pitch. ha!

Watch D.O.G.

A big WOOF WOOF to Poppy! Last week, he volunteered at Lauren's elementary school as a "Watch D.O.G."

WATCH D.O.G.S.®(Dads Of Great Students) is the safe school initiative of the National Center for Fathering that involves fathers and father figures to help create a more safe and secure learning environment in our nation's schools.

Who are WatchDOGS? Fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and other father figures who volunteer to serve at least one day each year in a variety of school activities as assigned by the school principal or other administrator.

Lauren and Poppy appeared on the morning announcements show and had their photo taken. I'm told that the photo is displayed on the Watch D.O.G. bulletin board at the school. Lauren was absolutely thrilled to have him there.

Thanks, Poppy!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adventures in Grocery Shopping

We were snaking our way through the aisles of the grocery store. A tall, relatively thin man with a hoodie covering his head and earphones in his ears passed by our aisle. Bill immediately recognized him as Jason Campbell. I noticed our paths crossing several more times as we continued to do our shopping. At one point, Bill was taking Lauren to the restroom and I found myself shoulder to shoulder with Jason in the shredded cheese section. Instantly, Kristen needed to use the restroom and we proceeded to have a scintilating conversation discussing the severity of her bathroom emergency. Could it wait until Daddy came back with Lauren? Did we need to drop everything and run? I'm sure Jason was fascinated.

Bill and I exchanged kids and Jason must have made his shredded cheese selection because he was no longer sharing the space with me.

I arrived at the checkout line and discovered that he had just gone through the same line. The clerk mentioned to the bagging guy that he had just met Jason Campbell. The bagging guy was unimpressed because he had recently rented a Rug Doctor to Jason which was apparently a bigger honor. As I finished up my grocery transaction, I asked the clerk if I was using the same pen as Jason had used.

I was.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bubbles the Cat

The girls each had a friend over today. I volunteered to bring the friends home after the playdate before I did the math on number of kids to number of available booster seats. No problem. One of the friends lives a short distance (1/4 mile) away so I decided the five of us could walk over. And since we are walking, why not let the dogs get a nice walk too?

Rookie mistake!

Early into our journey, Astro spots "Bubbles". Bubbles is the wandering cat that patrols the neighborhood. We don't really know his/her name but another little girl in the neighborhood named him/her Bubbles. Before I even knew what was happening, Astro released himself from the leash and bolted off to show Bubbles who's boss. Did I mention one of the friends is very afraid of Astro's hyper, jumpy personality?
Lots of screaming
Astro and Bubbles playing a rousing game of hide and seek
Ursa not pleased to be left out of the festivities
I was concerned for Bubbles but I was more afraid of the kids running off the sidewalk into the street. Luckily, Bubbles has experience surviving in the wild and eluded Astro. Astro soon allowed himself to be reharnessed and the walk continued. Eventually everyone was delivered safely home and I promised a round of hot chocolate for our next get together.

Adventure Stats:
One dog escape & recapture
one minor injury sustained while racing mailbox to mailbox
two bags worth of dog poop scooped
2 children and 2 plates of brownies delivered safely
several tears shed when big sister continually frustrates younger sister
1 round of hot chocolate promised for future get together