Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Out of the fog...

Last week is a bit of a blur. I had the flu, it was the final week of Odyssey of the Mind and the big performance, my mom's b-day, Bill's mom's b-day, Astro escaped again, girl scout cookie deliveries, a swim meet, etc. The craziest thing of all...I lost my desire to drink diet coke. I think I went a whole week without taking more than a few sips. I kept thinking I'd want one and then open it only to discover it repulsive. I'm still not too interested in drinking it but old habits are hard to break.


Amy said...

This scares me... the apocalypse cannot be far behind!!

Nancy4c said...

sell your stock in diet coke!
I'm back up to about 2 cans a day. I think I used to drink about 8/day so this is still very weird.